Promotion Supplemental Materials > Commissions, 2020 to present

Commission for BEETLE | Scout Designs NYC installed, Harlem, NYC
Mixed media
Mixed media
Painting commission for interior decorating firm “Scout Designs.” Commissioned by founder Nicki Clendening, Spring 2023, to create a series of 6 original abstract artworks, painted on top of salvaged etchings. New York, NY
Painting commission for interior decorating firm “Scout Designs.” Commissioned by founder Nicki Clendening, Spring 2023, to create a series of 6 original abstract artworks, painted on top of salvaged etchings. New York, NY

Commission for BEETLE | Scout Designs NYC installed, Harlem, NYC
Mixed media
Mixed media
Painting commission for interior decorating firm “Scout Designs.” Commissioned by founder Nicki Clendening, Spring 2023, to create a series of 6 original abstract artworks, painted on top of salvaged etchings. New York, NY
Painting commission for interior decorating firm “Scout Designs.” Commissioned by founder Nicki Clendening, Spring 2023, to create a series of 6 original abstract artworks, painted on top of salvaged etchings. New York, NY
Commissions, 2020 to present
All images copyright Xico Greenwald An icompendium Site